Foods That Accelerate Fat Burning

If weight loss is your goal, keep in mind that starving yourself is not the solution. When it comes to losing weight effectively, exercise and a proper diet are key. Moreover, not many people are aware that there are actually foods that accelerate fat burning that they would do well to incorporate into their diet. These foods are not only healthy; they also aid the process of losing weight and more importantly, keeping it off. Having said that, the popular quote "A moment on your lips, forever on your hips" does not always hold true! The following foods allow you to meet your nutritional needs while simultaneously helping you to burn fat:
Capsaicin-Rich Foods - Who would have thought that chilli peppers were useful for anything more than intensifying a culinary experience? But research has shown that chilli peppers possess a unique quality that increases a person's metabolic rate by 20 calories at the most. So the next time you're in search of foods that accelerate fat burning at the grocery store, make sure to throw in some chilli peppers in your cart.
Green Tea - Aside from boasting tons of antioxidants, green tea also carries a fat-burning substance that is even more effective at increasing a person's metabolic rate than capsaicin. Drinking green tea doesn't have to be a chore. One effective way to incorporate this healthy drink into your diet is by having a cup or two before going to bed or better yet, substituting your dessert for a pot of this fat-burning beverage.
Egg Whites - Egg whites are bursting with nutrition. Rich in vitamin B-12, this food makes it to the list of foods that accelerate fat burning because in addition to helping our nerves function optimally and aiding in the production of healthy blood cells, egg whites also contribute to the acceleration of burning fat in the body.
Lean Meat and Fish - For obvious reasons, it is advisable to consume the leaner parts of meat and fish as opposed to its fattier counterparts. Fish meat contains an abundance of omega-3, a heart-friendly acid that is helpful in bringing down the level of "bad fat" in your body. Lean meat on the other hand, is a very good source of protein and it also stays longer in the stomach. This means you won't feel the need to eat until hours after your meal.
Lastly, vegetable oils and butters are a great addition to your menu. Forget all the other types of cooking oil that you see at the store and stock up on canola, olive and sunflower oil. These heart-healthy oils are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids or "good fats" and help get rid of the "bad fats" in your system. Now that you're informed about foods that accelerate fat burning, there's no more excuse left! Get started on your journey to a healthier and more yummy lifestyle today.
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