Comprehensive Weight Management Program

Weight ManagementThe Comprehensive Weight Management Program uses a multidisciplinary approach and includes evaluation by experienced physicians specializing in weight management and dieticians who understand the importance of balanced nutrition during attempts at weight loss. Additionally, psychological and emotional support is provided at all steps during the process. A variety of nutrition classes and information sessions will be offered to help patients understand how to live a healthier lifestyle.

The medical conditions commonly associated with overweight and obesity include Type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), heartburn disease, sleep apnea, and emotional and psychological problems. Weight loss in overweight and obese patients is associated with the potential for significant improvement in all of these conditions.

For those patients who continue to have trouble with their weight control and who meet the criteria, the program provides access to some of the most experienced weight loss surgeons in the state of Hawaii. All of this occurs in a supportive and friendly environment. The program is conveniently located in the Queen's Medical Center and support services are available to meet any medical need that may arise. All the members of the program are sensitive to your special needs and will make every attempt to answer your questions and make you comfortable.

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