The Destroyer of Your Belief - The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

In my last article I wrote about the importance of your belief system in attaining your results. I touched on the effect those close to us, adults, peers, and teachers can have on our successes or failures. But I believe there is a much greater risk to your success today.
The health and fitness industry is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I am not saying everyone in the industry is baaaaad (make a sheep noise here), but the industry as a whole is flawed. Why do I say that about an industry that I am a part of?
I say it because of the motivation behind the majority of the industry. MONEY! That's right the industry is primarily motivated by money. It is a fact that most people are emotional about their health and body image. It is also a fact that most people want to get something for nothing. In other words, they want fat loss in a pill. This is what most companies in the health and fitness industry prey on.
There are numerous examples in this when you review the different supplements and fitness gadgets that have emerged over the years, all of them claiming "easy fat loss". Some examples include "Thigh Master", "Ab Rocker", and "Phen Phen" to name a few. But there is something that I think is even a greater threat to someone's belief in their success.
In the beginning of this century there was the first of what was going to become an epidemic in weight loss challenges; the Body for Life program. For those who don't remember it I will give a brief overview.
By signing up for this contest 10 lucky people would win $1,000,000.00. The winners would be those that achieved the greatest transformation during the program. It was HUGE! I was just beginning my fitness career and it seemed like every new gym member was doing "Body for Life". The only major requirement was that you HAD to use EAS supplements exclusively and they put together packages to sell to participants. EAS made millions of dollars. And some people got pretty phenomenal results. So what was the problem?
It was deemed the perfect program, it would work for everyone! In the wake of the "Body for Life Challenge" many lost belief in themselves. They didn't get the phenomenal results. Since this was supposed to be the 'perfect program', many began to believe that reaching their goals was impossible. And so belief was lost. If you were one of those you will understand what I am saying. My job as a trainer for these clients wasn't about teaching them how to exercise as much as it was building up their belief in themselves again.
Since then there has been challenge after challenge; supplement after supplement giving bold claims and scientifically backing them up. The thing about science... I can change numerous variables to prove my result.
The flaw here isn't in the programs per se. The problem is that every company, program, and rookie trainer thinks and believes that their program is the ONLY one that works. That it is THE program. This happens because they are either selling products or they were out of shape and that was the program that worked, so it is now the Holy Grail of workouts.
In the emotional state of wanting to feel better or look sexier, you are 'sold' into their program because they need you to buy their product or service. The results don't come and again you're led to the belief that it is impossible to reach your goals once again. Eventually you don't even need the "reed of a lotus flower" to hold you down, just someone saying it's there.
Now you may be asking yourself, "Who do I look to for advice?" This answer is YOU. My next article will show you why.
Dave Smith has been a fitness coach and movement specialist since 1998. His personal experience with 3 low back surgeries combined with his intense desire to help others, brings a unique style to his teaching. The basis of his teaching is to educate and empower others in taking control of their personal fitness.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."- Chinese Proverb

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