Trouble losing weight?

You weight loss usa do everything well: exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, reducing alcohol consumption and drinking water daily loads weight loss usa.

But every time you weigh in the figures do not reflect all the hard work you've done!

WHY? weight loss usa

There can be many medical explanations for this example insulin resistance (as I discussed in my article "Insulin Resistance Vs belly fat"), but today I want to talk about other reasons with you.

1. Lack of sleep:
If you do not get enough weight loss usa Zzzzzz is every night, your body experiences physiological stress and store fat more efficiently. If you are tired, have low energy, sleep easily or feel more irritable than usual, then you may need to adjust your sleep if you want to shed those kilos!

Some medications can also affect your weight for example, medicines to treat depression, mood disorders, seizures, migraines, hypertension, hormonal imbalances, weight loss usa and oral contraceptives can even cause weight gain a few pounds weight loss usa !

One of the major health problems that cause extra weight gain is hypothyroidism, a deficiency of thyroid hormone that decreases metabolism and causes a loss of appetite and weight gain.

If you feel tired, lethargic, swelling, hoarseness, cold intolerance, sleep too much or if you have a headache, then you should consult your doctor as soon as possible!

Another condition rare Cushing's syndrome, weight loss usa a disease caused by excess coritsol hormone is known to cause weight gain.

April. STRESS:
Some of weight loss usa us are emotional eaters and recover everything we can find to get the face when we are stressed. Many people also starch frenzy to make them feel better. Sometimes, we can notice even be aware that stress is the cause that we eat more to look out for symptoms of bulimia. weight loss usa
May. Menopause:
Unfortunately, women can not move through menopause! Estrogen promotes the deposition of fat in the lower body, and when this hormone decreases as you approach menopause, whether it is more likely to be deposited in the area of ​​the belly fat. This "reserve" extra affectionately Streets "menopot". A good tip for women approaching menopause is to increase estrogen levels naturally.

Unfortunately, we are not always aware of the factors that lie silent in our bodies affect our weight problems. If you are struggling to weight loss usa lose weight naturally and healthy, then talk to your doctor about your concerns.

Because weight loss is a subject that really interests me, I suggest you download on my site regarding reports of exercise routines, diet, proper lifestyle weight loss usa etc.

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