Parents of newborns have so many things to worry about -- is the
baby the right size? Sleeping and eating properly? Is she healthy? One
of the things new parents often wonder about is weight loss after birth.
If the baby was 8 pounds when he was born, why is he only 7 pounds 10
ounces when he leaves the hospital? Luckily, it's very normal for
newborns to lose weight after birth, and he will likely be back to his
starting weight very soon.
Causes of Infant Weight Loss
Newborns generally don't eat much in the first few days of life,
as they are adjusting to their new environment and still have some
stores of nutrients from their mother. According to research published
in the International Breastfeeding Journal, another cause may be if the
mother received IV fluids during labor, as the increased fluids can make
the baby over-hydrated and give a somewhat inaccurate birth weight.
Over the next few days, as the baby regulates his own fluids, she loses
How Much Weight Loss Is Normal?
A newborn who is formula fed usually loses about 5 percent of his
birth weight in the first few days of life, advises the American
Pregnancy Association. For breastfed infants, this number is slightly
higher. A breastfed newborn may lose 7 to 10 percent of her birth weight
in the beginning days of life.
How to Tell If a Baby Is Getting Enough Nutrition
By the time a newborn is a week old, he should be having a fairly
large number of diaper changes per day. On average, a newborn will have
around five to seven wet diapers each day and will have a bowel movement
three or four times a day. If your child is getting significantly more
or less than this number, talk to his pediatrician.
Getting Back to Birth Weight
The American Pregnancy Association reports that most newborns will
have gained enough weight to be back by their birth weight by 10 to 14
days old. It does vary, though, so don't panic if it takes your baby a
bit longer. Newborns who are premature or sick at birth may take longer,
even as long as three weeks.
Formula Versus Nursing
Breastfed babies sometimes gain weight slightly slower than
formula fed babies, so when your child is checked out at the
pediatrician, make sure to tell the doctor what feeding method you're
using so the baby's growth can be assessed accurately. Always write down
any questions you have to take with you to the doctor so you don't
forget anything that you wanted to know.
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