How to Lose Stomach Fat While Pregnant

weight loss For pregnant women

How to Lose Stomach Fat While Pregnant 
Your body pads itself with excess fat during pregnancy to help nourish your baby and to ensure a healthy milk supply. Actively trying to lose weight interferes with this process and puts you and your baby at risk for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. On the other hand, obesity during pregnancy increases your risk of pregnancy complications and puts your baby at risk for being obese later in life. You can lose some of your belly fat during pregnancy if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Step 1

Talk to your doctor about your plans to lose stomach fat. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists only recommends weight loss for women with a BMI greater than 40 and only under the supervision of a doctor.

Step 2

Work with your doctor to determine the number of calories you should aim to eat each day. Pregnant women at normal weights need only 150 to 300 additional calories per day, according to Your needs will likely be less, especially in the first trimester, when the least amount of weight gain typically occurs.

Step 3

Eat a nutritious diet, which will both nourish your baby and encourage weight loss. Choose low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and fat-free dairy. Pick lean proteins and experiment with vegetarian proteins.

Step 4

Start an exercise routine that gets your heart rate up and burns calories without being strenuous. Try walking, swimming or stationary cycling at a medium pace. Exercise burns calories, which is the key to weight loss. You cannot lose weight in just one area of your body alone -- you must burn more calories than you take in until you lose fat over your whole body --including your excess stomach fat.

Step 5

Take a prenatal vitamin as an insurance policy to make sure you're getting the adequate number of nutrients. If your doctor recommends you cut calories, even slightly, you might risk nutrient deficiencies. However, do not rely on vitamins to provide your nutrition. Rely on a nutritious diet.

Step 6

Strengthen core and abdominal muscles to help tone your abdomen. Strong core muscles bounce back faster after pregnancy, and more muscle burns more calories. Try parental yoga or core-strengthening classes designed just for pregnant women. Avoid exercises that require you to lie on your back.

Step 7

Your pregnancy should end with you having gained 11 to 20 lbs., according to the American Pregnancy Association, even if you lose belly fat.

weight loss For pregnant women

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