Abdominal Weight Loss Boosters

For many years, my abdominal weight loss intentions were going nowhere.
I tried all sorts of diets and exercises but due to a lack of motivation, I couldn't help but stop half way through. Little wonder then why I didn't succeed in losing weight.

For many years, I've been searching the Internet, on and off, for a way to lose weight easily and quickly. That's right - easily and quickly are the 2 things I was looking for.
Needless to say, whatever I tried, fell short in one area or another.

To add to this problem, my will power was not as good as it should have been.
Many experts say that certain types of food can aid in abdominal weight loss.


1) Proteins (protein shakes, beans, fat free yogurt, lean chicken breast and lean turkey breast).

2) Complex Fiver and Carbs (beans, green veggies, apples and whole grains)

3) Healthy Fats which are monounsaturated or poly-unsaturated omega fats (fish, olive oil, fish oil supplements, nuts etc...)

4) Minerals and Vitamins (fruits and vegetables such as apples and berries (for fruit) and spinach (for vegetable).

But can these foods help you lose weight in the ideal weight - keeping in mind ease and speed?
These experts have also given some guidelines to aid in abdominal fat weight loss...

1) Drink plenty of water - increase water intake will speed up your weight loss. Take up to half your body weight in ounces, daily

2) Weight and Cardio - You need to do both of these in order to lose fat from around the abdomen. High Intensity Interval Training is the type of card you should be doing.
Stored carbs (glycogen) is primarily used as fuel for the body during the first 10 minutes of card exercise. the actual fat burn starts only after the glycogen has finished.
Therefore, some experts say that you should work at a moderate intensity continuously for about 45 minutes. Yet, after all this, this only accounts for half of the abdominal weight loss plan. The other half is contributed from diet control.
Compound weight training such as squats, dead lifts, bench presses etc... are recommended for weight training. These types of workouts are supposed to yield the best results.
Abdominal exercises are supposed to strengthen the muscles in your body and give it some sort of tone and definition.
But, if your calorie intake is more than what you spend during your workout, you are obviously heading in the wrong direction. So you do need to work off those extra calories one way or another.

3) Stay well away from fad dieting. Celebrity diets, low fat diets, low calorie diets etc... all fall into the category of fad diets. they may even work against you by slowing down your metabolism.

4) Experts also say that you should eat 5 times a day instead of the normal 3. These serves to increase your metabolism as long as you have 5 small meals of the right type throughout the day.

The question remains, are these guidelines still the best way to lose abdominal weight?
The truth is, with these methods, abdominal weight loss will be the last thing you lose from your body. Other parts of your body will lose weight first.
To see how I lost 39 lbs quickly and easily (3 months), read my story at my Abdominal Weight Loss blog.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Troy_Winters

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